About TAFU
TAFU is guided by the United Nations principles of independence, participation, self fulfilment, care and dignity for older persons.
TAFU recognises that older persons prefer to remain independent in their own homes, that when they need support, they highly value care from family, relatives and their local community. When traditional forms of support are not available, older persons prefer community based care rather than institutional based care.
TAFU is managed by a Volunteer Board and the day-to-day activities are run by 1 full time paid and 3 part time voluntary staff members, all with gerontology experience. Trained nursing aides and volunteers provide home and hospital based care.

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Ageing in Uganda
Uganda is situated on the Equator in the middle of Africa. The River Nile passes through the middle of the country on its journey from Lake Victoria north to South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. In 2014 the population was 34.6 million. Most people in Uganda live in villages, with only 20% having electricity in their homes. Most people (94%) use firewood or charcoal for cooking (Information from 20014 Uganda Census). The World Bank estimated the per capita GDP to be $705 in 2015.
There are 1.3 million people in Uganda aged over 60, many of whom lack food, money, clean water and health care. Many have lost their children to war and HIV/AIDS and so cannot rely on traditional family support. Instead, many are caring for orphaned grandchildren. Half of Ugandan orphans are under the care of grandparents.
A social protection programme has been introduced in Uganda and is slowly expanding (approximately US$8 cash transfer a month). TAFU is advocating for universal non-discriminatory social protection to all older persons in Uganda.
Read more about the Ageing Issues we're facing.