某有名なアーティストがペイントしたホワイトハウス製のジムグースレプリカヘルメットです。シールドの開閉の時に出来る頭頂部にキズがありますが、比較的に綺麗です。ちなみにホワイトハウス200個限定生産されたヘルメットです!マッドマックスミーティング等一目置かれるかも?KEN THE FLATTOPGold Fish Bowl Art ShowatHAND IN TREE SHOWROOM渋谷区神宮前2-21-21クラーヴィア1F [ MAP]July 9 - 12 202110:00 - 20:00 (12日は18:00閉館)KEN THE FLATTOP1969, born in Yokohama, Japan. Drawing a picture of a car, that was one of my favorite thing to do when I was little.Since then, it has not changed at all and I still enjoy it more than anything. In the process of drawing a line, I feel so great when it turns to be the one exactly I want and that feeling might be the reason why I keep drawing.What I do: pinstriping on cars, motorcycles, and surfboards, painting on aluminum board, illustration for magazines and posters, designing T-shirts, and sign painting.個性は大事ですよね?お安く譲りますので、この機会にどうぞ!用途...ツーリング
某有名なアーティストがペイントしたホワイトハウス製のジムグースレプリカヘルメットです。シールドの開閉の時に出来る頭頂部にキズがありますが、比較的に綺麗です。ちなみにホワイトハウス200個限定生産されたヘルメットです!マッドマックスミーティング等一目置かれるかも?KEN THE FLATTOPGold Fish Bowl Art ShowatHAND IN TREE SHOWROOM渋谷区神宮前2-21-21クラーヴィア1F [ MAP]July 9 - 12 202110:00 - 20:00 (12日は18:00閉館)KEN THE FLATTOP1969, born in Yokohama, Japan. Drawing a picture of a car, that was one of my favorite thing to do when I was little.Since then, it has not changed at all and I still enjoy it more than anything. In the process of drawing a line, I feel so great when it turns to be the one exactly I want and that feeling might be the reason why I keep drawing.What I do: pinstriping on cars, motorcycles, and surfboards, painting on aluminum board, illustration for magazines and posters, designing T-shirts, and sign painting.個性は大事ですよね?お安く譲りますので、この機会にどうぞ!用途...ツーリング